Lecture Recordings

Lecture Recordings


The Pepperdine Bible Lectures is an annual event hosted by Pepperdine University featuring a wide variety of lectures and classes on topics and themes in the Bible and Christianity. The Lectures, retitled "Harbor" in 2013, are now coordinated by the Office of Church Relations. Pepperdine Bible Lectures began in January 1943 and were modeled after similar programs at Abilene Christian University, David Lipscomb University, and Harding University. Lectures have been held annually in the spring since 1943 (with the exception of 1957). In the early years, the lectures were held at the original George Pepperdine College campus in Los Angeles. Between 1958 and 1967, the Lectures were held twice annually, with closing night keynotes taking place in the Shrine Auditorium and Los Angeles Sports Arena. Since 1973, the Lectures have been held at Pepperdine University's campus in Malibu, California


Lectures from 2014

Class: A Good Blend (Stepfamilies and the Church), Ron Deal

Class: All Cleaned Up and Nowhere to Go? (Baptism as Commission and Choreography), Jeff Childers

Class: Answering the Call to God’s Lost People, Shaun Dutile, Marci Dutile, Cody Balch, and Micah Balch

Class: A Symposium on Baptism and the Lord's Supper in Ministry, Stuart Love and D'Esta Love

Class: A Theologian and a Psychologist Walk into a..., Richard Beck and Mark Love

Class: Baptism and Unity: Can You Have Both?, Doug Foster

Class: Blood Work (Redeemed, Reconciled, and Reminded by the Blood of Christ), Victor Knowles

Class: Children’s Worship (What’s the Point and What Are Our Goals?), Lila Earwood

Class: Churches of Christ and Change, Lauren Cosentino and Patrick Mead

Class: Confident Leadership in Challenging Times (Five Essential Strategies), Randy Lowry

Class: Covenant in All Its Complex Diversity, Walter Brueggemann

Class: Equipping the American Church to Serve a Global Mission: Setting Realistic Expectations (Strategy and Metrics), Dan Bouchelle, Mark Hooper, and Jonathan "JoJo" Ramos

Class: Evolution and Christianity (Are They Incompatible Worldviews?), Rodney Honeycutt

Class: Financial Stewardship in a Depraved World, Winston Chong

Class: Galatians, Randy Hall

Class: Gay Marriage, Islam, Zombies, and Liberals (How the Bible Quiets Our Biggest Fears), Jason Locke

Class: God's Brave New World: Dreams of Life as It Is Meant to Be, Bobby Valentine

Class: God's Forever Family (Mark 3:31-35), Billy Curl

Class: God Shows Up When We Shut Up (7 Things I Learned From 30 Days of Silence), Chris Altrock

Class: Growing a Mobile Church (Out of the Building and Engaging the Community), Tim Blair and Lisa Blair

Class: Helping Hispanics Understand Christianity 101, Tom Allen

Class: In the Name of Jesus (Not Just Because We’re Nice People), Wyane Atkinson

Class: In Weakness Made Strong (The Power of Vulnerability for Strengthening and Sustaining Intimacy), Jaime Goff

Class: Is the Future Worth Imagining for Churches of Christ?, Brady Bryce

Class: Lay Down Your Guns, Amanda Madrid

Class: Look, Here Is Water! (Baptism in the Book of Acts), Kindalee Pfremmer DeLong

Class: Loves God, Likes Girls (Can You Be a Gay Christian?), Sally Gary

Class: Mega vs. Movement (Investing in the Few to Reach the Many), Charles Kiser, Julie Kiser, and Fred Liggin

Class: Mist (Reflections on the Brevity and Priorities of Life), Rick Atchley

Class: Operation Ecuador (Equip and Release), Joshua Marcum

Class: Preaching with Prezi (Reaching Visual Learners with Your Presentation), Shane Hughes

Class: Raising Resilience (Where Is God in This?), Connie Horton

Class: Resurrecting the Hermeneutics Discussion (Why It Is Still Crucial for Churches of Christ), Kelly Carter

Class: Revival 101 (How the Charismatics and Universalists are Radically Changing the College Campus, and Why I Absolutely Love It), Thomas Fitzpatrick

Class: Seeing God in the City (Engaged Ministry on the Margins), Dwayne Lee and Kavian McMillon

Class: Speaking Christian (Breathing New Life into Ancient Words), Wade Hodges

Class: Spiritual Passport (From Diplomat to Bible College Director), Fred Bergh

Class: Sunday's Coming (The Joy [and Work] of Weekly Sermon Preparation), Rick Atchley, Randy Harris, and Chris Seidman

Class: Survey Says! (What’s Happening in Churches of Christ?), Dyron Daughrity

Class: The Happiness Project (Exceptionally Created for an Exceptional Life), Jason Darden

Class: The Idiot’s Guide to Theology, Randy Harris

Class: The Nature of God as Hermeneutic (When Magna Cum Laude Meets, Marries, and Ministers with Thank You Laude), Dick Blythe and Rhonda Blythe

Class: Theology and Science (What’s All the Fuss?), Chris Doran

Class: The Sacramental Presence of the Future in the Assembly, John Mark Hicks

Class: Transitioning Through Tribulation Towards Transformation (Imagining a New Today for the Church of Tomorrow), Chris Goldman

Class: Walter Brueggemann and Churches of Christ, Rick Marrs

Class: When Our Hearts Condemn Us (Learning to Forgive Ourselves), Kevin Knight and Kris Knight

Class: World Christian Broadcasting, Maurice Hall

Class: Worship, Work, and Women (How Scripture Shapes a 21st-Century Church), Carl Garrison, Amy Bost Henegar, Jason Isbell, Larry Mudd, Angel Reyes, and Tom Robinson

Lectures from 2013

Class: All Days Are Not Equal (Standing in the Gap for Trafficked Children), Pam Cope and Rachel Johnson

Class: Angels and Revelation (On the Way to God’s Ultimate Goal), Larry Mudd

Class: A Restoration Movement (Bigger Than We’d Thought), Josh Ross and Jonathan Storment

Class: A Still Unfinished Reconciliation (Race Relations in Churches of Christ), Gary Holloway and John York

Class: Back to the Future (A Look at Daniel 7-12), Rick Marrs

Class: Bible Lectureships are Dinosaurs—Overcoming the Jaded Expectations of a Skeptical Fellowship, Jerry Rushford

Class: Can You Hear Me Now? (Learning to Listen to God), Rick Atchley

Class: Christ and the Millennium Development Goals (Why Basic Human Rights and Community Building Are Old-School Gospel Pursuits), Mark Moore

Class: Congregations Caught in a Vise (Revelation 1-3), Rick Oster

Class: Early Christian Responses to the Roman Empire, James Walters

Class: “Eucatastrophe!” says J.R.R. Tolkien (Why Tolkien’s Apocalyptic Vision Conveys Gospel So Well Today), Jeff Childers

Class: Exploring Babylon (Urban Reality in America’s Cities), Larry James

Class: Feelings Idolatry (The Real Enemy That Is Destroying Us), Kinwood DeVore

Class: Footprints of the Divine (Seeking the Sacred Within Pop Culture), Craig Detweiler

Class: Funny How God Works...But He Does, Don McLaughlin

Class: God, Gangs, and Glue (An Introduction to Kenya Street Ministry), Dusty Breeding and Cecily Breeding

Class: God’s Economics (Why We Should Make Poor Choices), Milton Jones

Class: Jesus Is Bigger Than That, Josh Graves and Sara Barton

Class: Knowing God, Randy Harris

Class: Living Resurrection: Engaging His Story (A Meditative Experience in Scripture), Rhonda Lowry

Class: Love Wins (Evangelical Universalism in the Churches of Christ), Richard Beck

Class: Love Your Muslim Neighbor as You Love Yourself (Exploring the Golden Rule in an Interreligious Context), John Barton, Keith Huey, and Saeed Khan

Class: Reaching and Discipling Twenty-Somethings, Matt Dabbs, Eric Brown, and Charles Kiser

Class: Renewal for Restoration Churches (Seeking Hope for Christianity in North America), Jason Locke

Class: Renewal for Restoration Churches (Seeking Hope for Christianity in North America), Jason Locke, Mark Lowe, and John York

Class: Renewal for Restoration Churches (Seeking Hope for Christianity in North America), Jason Locke, Ben Ries, and Aaron Metcalf

Class: Revelation and the Witness of Christ, Greg Stevenson

Class: Revelation, Evil, and Suffering, Greg Stevenson

Class: Revelation, War, and the Language of Hope, Greg Stevenson

Class: Say What?! (The Disturbing Words of Jesus), Chris Seidman

Class: Sorting Out the “Mills” (What Does It Mean to Be Pre-Millennial, Post-Millennial, or A-Millennial?), John Wilson

Class: The Bible Miniseries: Telling Scripture’s Story in Ten Hours (on the History Channel), Mark Burnett and Roma Downey

Class: The End in Graphic Terms (What Comic Books Get Right [and Wrong] About the Apocalypse)Class, Ron Cox

Class: The Importance of Holy Terrorism, Jeff Walling

Class: The Living Jesus Among His Churches (Revelation 1-3), Rich Little

Class: The Red Thread Movement (Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery), Linda Egle and Brittany Partridge

Class: The Slaughtered Lamb (Revelation 5), Dave Clayton

Class: Transforming Lives, Nurturing Hope, Living Christ (Rescuing Street Children and Setting Them Among Princes), Hung Le and Corinne Le

Class: Uppity Women of the Stone-Campbell Movement, Bobby Valentine

Class: War in the Book of Revelation, Lee Camp

Class: Whose Praises Do You Sing? (The "Political" Hymns of Revelation), Kindy DeLong

Class: Why We Exist (The Reason Churches of Christ Came into Being), Lauren Cosentino and Patrick Mead

Class: Wrestling with Prayer (For Those Who Struggle with Prayer), Patrick Mead and Matt Elliott

Keynote: Heaven on Earth (Revelation 21-22), Rick Atchley

Keynote: The Christmas Story as You Rarely Heard It (Revelation 12-13), Randy Harris

Keynote: The Living Jesus Among His Churches (Revelation 1-3), Rich Little

Keynote: The Slaughtered Lamb (Revelation 5), Dave Clayton

Keynote: The Throne Above All Thrones (Revelation 4), Fate Hagood

Keynote: The Ultimate Failure of Evil (Revelation 6-11), Don McLaughlin

Keynote: The World’s Worst (and Best) War Story (Revelation 14-20), Mike Cope

Lectures from 2012

Class: The History of Bible Lectureships in Churches of Christ (A Centennial Reflection on these Annual Assemblies), Tom Olbricht

Class: The Impact of the Pepperdine Bible Lectures (1983-2012) (Putting the Last 30 Years in Historical Context), Tom Olbricht

Lectures from 2009

Keynote: Christ in You, the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:24-30), Rich Little

Keynote: Christ, the Mystery of God (Colossians 2:1-7), Monte Cox

Keynote: Do Everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:12-17), Mike Cope

Keynote: In Him All Things Hold Together (Colossians 1:15-20), Rick Atchley

Keynote: Set Your Mind on Things Above (Colossians 3:1-11), Josh Ross

Keynote: You Have Died With Christ (Colossians 2:16-23), Curt Sparks

Lectures from 2008

Keynote: Two Houses in a Storm (Matthew 7:24-29), Jerry Taylor

Lectures from 2007

Class: Revisiting the Classics of Christian Spirituality, Harold Hazelip

Lectures from 2002

Class: Women in the Church: Three Difficult Texts, Carroll Osburn

Keynote: Christ: God's Yes (2 Corinthians 1:18-22), Randy Harris

Lectures from 1997

Class: The Power of the Powerless: Second Corinthians and the Gospel According to Megan, Mike Cope

Lectures from 1995

Keynote: A Dream Worth Keeping Alive (John 17:1-26), Max Lucado

Lectures from 1994

Keynote: Life in the Spirit of Christ (Galatians 5:16-26), John O. York

Lectures from 1987

Keynote: The Triumph Song of Life (Acts 28:30-31), Jerry Rushford

Lectures from 1986

Keynote: Man of Sorrows— What a Name (Isaiah 53:1-12), Frank Pack

Lectures from 1985

Keynote: The Finality of Christ (Hebrews 1:1-4), David Davenport