Volume 19, Issue 1: Spring 2017
Start-up Funding via Equity Crowdfunding in Germany – A Qualitative Analysis of Success Factors
Martin Angerer, Alexander Brem, Sascha Kraus, and Andreas Peter
News Management around Equity Private Placements
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going
Antti Fredriksson, Daniela Maresch, Matthias Fink, and Andrea Moro
The Evolution of Financing Structure in U.S. Startups
Carmen Cotei and Joseph Farhat
Why Trade Credit Financing is More Important than Developing Large Customer Relationships for Video Game Suppliers
Jocelyn D. Evans and Dominique G. Outlaw
Turkish SMEs’ Use of Financial Statements for Decision Making
Howard E. Vanauken, Semra Ascigil, and Shawn Carraher
Corporate or Network Governance? The case of the Italian Productive Chains and their scaffolding finance approach.
Guido Max Mantovani and Teresa Guidone