Submissions from 2021
Understanding the role of traditional & proficiency-based grading systems upon student learning and college admissions, Stella Erbes, McKenna Wizner, and Jackie Powlis
Submissions from 2020
The Monster in the Corner of the Map: Russian Visitors Describe Nature on Sakhalin Island (1850-1905), Sharyl Corrado
Submissions from 2019
The undiscovered countries: Shakespeare and the Afterlife, Cyndia Susan Clegg
"And lo, as luke sets down for us": Dante’s re-imagining of the emmaus story in purgatorio XXIX-XXXIII, Jane Kelley Rodeheffer
Submissions from 2016
Geoffrey hill’s “hard-won affirmation”: The mystery of the charity of charles péguy, Paul J. Contino
Teachers exploring mobile device integration: A case study of secondary teachers' responses to iPads in the classroom, Stella Erbes, Steven Lesky, and Joshua Myers
English and Latin Lexical Innovations in Reginald Pecock’s Corpus, J. A. T. Smith
Submissions from 2015
“The Highest Limit of Statesmanship” Ritterian Geography and Russian Exploration of the Amur River Basin, 1849–1853, Sharyl Corrado
Submissions from 2014
A land divided: Sakhalin and the Amur Expedition of G.I. Nevel'skoi, 1848–1855, Sharyl Corrado