Volume 11, Issue 2 (2011)
Multi-Stakeholder Dispute Resolution: Building Social Capital Through Access to Justice at the Community Level
Shala Ali, Williams E. Davis, and Joanna Lee
Collaborative Practice's Radical Possibilities for the Legal Profession:"[Two Lawyers and Two Clients] for the Situation"
Robert F. Cochran Jr.
The Assault of Jamie Leigh Jones: How One Woman's Horror Story is Changing Arbitration in America
Jeffrey Adams
Waiving Rights Goodbye: Class Action Waivers in Arbitration Agreements after Stolt-Nielsen v. AnimalFeeds International
Diana M. Link and Richard A. Bales

- Editor-in-Chief
- Jeffrey D. Hoyle
- Managing Editor
- Al Sturgeon
- Lead Articles Editors
- Kyra Clipper
Jacob Houmand - Student Articles Editors
- Chantal Francois