Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal | Caruso School of Law | Pepperdine University

The Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal seeks to facilitate an intellectual discourse on the rapidly evolving field of alternative dispute resolution. We are committed to publishing a wide variety of articles presenting different viewpoints and perspectives from practitioners, academics, and students.

Current Issue: Volume 24, Issue 1 (2024)





Editorial Board 2023-24

Editor in Chief (EIC)

Reeve Lanigan

Managing Editor (ME)

Caroline Garcia

Lead Articles Editors (LAE+Tech)

Carolyn Deal

Shirley Huang

Student Articles Editors

Anna Caroline Brown

Ellie Martinez

Symposium Editor

Doyeon Kim

Finance and Outreach Editor

Michael Georgino

Executive Editors

Melissa Clark

Christian Griego

Aeva Lanphere

Taylor Mathis

Grace Whitten

Faculty Advisor

Dean Sukhsimranjit Singh