The Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal seeks to facilitate an intellectual discourse on the rapidly evolving field of alternative dispute resolution. We are committed to publishing a wide variety of articles presenting different viewpoints and perspectives from practitioners, academics, and students.
Current Issue: Volume 24, Issue 1 (2024)
Decentralized Dispute Resolution: Using Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts in Arbitration
Christoph Salger
Is the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Dispute Resolution a Viable Option or Wishful Thinking?
Samuel D. Hodge Jr.
Fitting the Communication Forum to the Mediation Fuss: Choosing the Appropriate Communication Mode for Mediation in the Post-Pandemic World
Dorcas Quek Anderson
In the Shadow of the Law: Applying Therapeutic Approaches to Sexual Harassment Conflicts in the Context of #MeToo
Michal Alberstein and Shira Rosenberg-Lavi
Eldercaring Coordination: The New Dispute Resolution Process to Address the Age-Old Problem of Old-Age
Fran L. Tetunic
The New Elephant in the Room: Why All Professionals Need to Learn About Personality Disorders
Bill Eddy
A Polygamist Proposal: How Dispute Resolution Techniques Provide Solutions in the Polygamy Debate
Ellie Martinez
Letter from the Editor
Reeve Lanigan
The Policing/Mediation Nexus: An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Journey from Police Officer to Certified Mediator
Wendell C. Wallace
Table of Contents & Masthead
Reeve Lanigan

Editorial Board 2023-24
Editor in Chief (EIC)
Reeve Lanigan
Managing Editor (ME)
Caroline Garcia
Lead Articles Editors (LAE+Tech)
Carolyn Deal
Shirley Huang
Student Articles Editors
Anna Caroline Brown
Ellie Martinez
Symposium Editor
Doyeon Kim
Finance and Outreach Editor
Michael Georgino
Executive Editors
Melissa Clark
Christian Griego
Aeva Lanphere
Taylor Mathis
Grace Whitten
Faculty Advisor
Dean Sukhsimranjit Singh