Life is a 4-Letter Word: Laughing and Learning Through 40 Life Lessons

Life is a 4-Letter Word: Laughing and Learning Through 40 Life Lessons


David A. Levy



Did it over occur to you that some of your toughest times might end up teaching you the most? Remember when you first learned that life isn't always fair? Or more grown-up realities, like having your trust betrayed, the pain of saying goodbye to a beloved pet, or realizing that you fell in love with the wrong person? Over his years and varied careers as a therapist, professor, author, and actor, Dr. David A. Levy has lived through a range of experiences -- embarrassing moments, distressing episodes, moving encounters -- that all of us can relate to. In "Life is a 4-Letter Word," Levy shares the stories and lessons from his lifetime journey that have carried him through life's challenges. The wisdom in these pages reminds us that the path to a life well-lived is not always smooth. This book will be your companion during those times when you need a boost and some positive perspective. It will encourage you to embrace all that life's challenges have to offer, while laughing, wincing, and learning along the way. Discover the power of positive thinking that will have you seeing things from a different perspective -- a lighter one.

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Mango Publishing Group


Christianity | Religion

Life is a 4-Letter Word: Laughing and Learning Through 40 Life Lessons
