The Campaigns of Tamerlane
The Campaigns of Tamerlane is the first and most detailed account on the location of the many sitings mentioned in the history of Amir Timur (Tamerlane) from the time that he became the ruler of Western Chagatai until his death in 1404. Nothing like it has ever been done before.
In "The Campaigns of Tamerlane," for the first time you have the works of H. H. Howorth, E. Bretsehneider, V. V. Barthold, R. Denison Ross, Le Strange, the Tarkhi-i-Rashidi, Hilda Hookman, Walter J. Fischel, and others, whose efforts have paved the way to list the actual campaign sites according to Sherif ad-Din's book, the "Zafar Nama" (or Book of Victory), all under one cover. No longer will the reader have to refer to more than one book to find the answers.
Publication Date
Christianity | Religion
Recommended Citation
Rose, Dennis M., "The Campaigns of Tamerlane" (2014). Alumni Books. 69.