The Great Omission: Amazing Ways the Church Muddles the Message: How to Get it Right and Tell it Right

The Great Omission: Amazing Ways the Church Muddles the Message: How to Get it Right and Tell it Right


Robert Blair



If Jesus were still alive and preaching today, would he be building a huge church structure? Would he be talking about the "trigger" issues, the hot topics that seem to dominate our pulpits? Would he be marching in the streets -- either against or in favor of -- abortion, gay rights, or repealing the death penalty? Robert Blair contends that Christ would not be politically active or overtly try to influence the government. Instead, he asserts that Jesus would preach the same simple gospel that he did 2,000 years ago. In The Great Omission, Blair makes the case that the contemporary followers of Jesus should be doing what he would do -- and that our primary objective ought to be preaching the good news to every person on the planet. Blair believes that it is only by doing that, and by personally assisting the poor, that we can truly glorify God.

Every minister will profit by "reading and heeding" this book -- but those in the pews will also benefit from reading The Great Omission. Too often laypersons wish to honor God but receive garbled signals from church leadership about the church's main purpose. This book will become a lightning rod for change in returning our churches to the biblical message and suggesting the right methods to tell it.

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CSS Pub.


Christianity | Religion

The Great Omission: Amazing Ways the Church Muddles the Message: How to Get it Right and Tell it Right
