The Scholarship Without Borders Journal

Women have encountered many obstacles in their quest to gain leadership in law enforcement. While research has studied how well women officers strive to achieve higher-level positions within police departments, the challenges women face when they gain top leadership roles remain largely unexplored. This research paper will discuss the unique challenges faced by women police chiefs, drawing from first-hand experiences of women police chiefs and existing literature. The study finds that women police chiefs encounter challenges in communication, transferring to a new department, overtasking, introvertedness, and general police chief stress. The study also finds that women police chiefs implement ways to improve communication, quiet time to think, emotional intelligence, delegate, and remain consistent with overcoming their challenges. This study informs law enforcement leaders on better supporting women police chiefs and future generations.
Recommended Citation
Llamas, Michael; Roma, Amor; Hao, Tianshi; Perkinson, Wendy; Axtell, Kayleigh; Lal, Anshu; and Llamas, Jesse
"The Pathway Forward: Uncovering the Barriers Faced by Women Police Chiefs,"
The Scholarship Without Borders Journal: Vol. 1:
2, Article 5.
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Law Enforcement and Corrections Commons, Leadership Studies Commons, Other Education Commons