"Bilingual, ESL, and English Immersion" by Kelly Faltis


Education of limited English proficient (LEP) students is important for domestic economic growth, the cohesion of society within the United States, and for maintaining US competitiveness in the global economy. Ineffective education of LEP students might have detrimental effects on the economic future of the new immigrants, the education of English speaking students, and the US economy as a whole. A majority of the estimated 5.3 million LEP students within the United States are Hispanic.1 Given this large population, finding the best model to educate LEP students is an important policy goal. Texas has the second largest LEP population, next to California, of which ninety-nine percent are Hispanic.2 Because Texas schools have a broad range of English as a second language (ESL) and bilingual education models, the state is a good place to analyze the policy question: which model or group of models are best for educating LEP students?
