"HOPE worldwide Indonesia Positive Choice Program" by Jillian Kissee


This document provides recommendations and guidance for HOPE worldwide Indonesia’s implementation of Positive Choice. It discusses the current HIV situation; obstacles the country faces in implementing a school-based HIV-drug prevention program; criteria for the start-up, approach, and implementation of Positive Choice; and finally recommendations for further action. On the basis of extensive field research, it is recommended that HOPE worldwide institute a curriculum-based HIV-drug prevention pilot program in Jakarta, the province with the third highest rate of HIV infections in the country. This program should be rooted in evidence-based effective practices which incorporate the Abstinence, Be faithful, and Condom use (ABC) approach as well as life-skills education. The purpose of this program is to increase the knowledge of adolescents about HIV/AIDS and ways to prevent transmission and to provide them with the skills needed to translate this knowledge into positive life choices. With the proper development and implementation of this pilot program in Jakarta, Positive Choice will be a powerful tool in the overall national strategy to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS.
