Volume 24, Issue 2 (2004)
The Formulation of Florida's Administrative Procedure Act: An Address to the NAALJ Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida on October 14, 2003
Arthur J. England Jr
Florida's ALJs: Maintaining a Different Balance
F. Scott Boyd
The Central Panel: A Response to Critics
John Hardwicke and Thomas E. Ewing
Agencies and the Arts: The Dilemma of Subsidizing Expression
Jennifer Weatherup
Relaxing the Rules of Media Ownership: Localism and Competition and Diversity, Oh My! The Frightening Road of Deregulation
Kristen Morse
Legal Summary
Legal Summaries
Jennifer Weatherup

- Editor-in-Chief
- Kelli Shope
- Managing Editor
- Garrett Brown
- Business & Technical Editor
- Christopher Patrick
- Legal Summaries Editor
- Jennifer Weathercup