"Who's Preparing for the Pecuniary Downside of the Merger? Economy: The" by Paul Stewart Kim

Document Type



This Comment views the North and South Korea's reunification process in light of economic principles and policies. This Comment broadly summarizes the role/need of foreign investors in North Korea for the preparation of the reunification. First, this Comment briefly reviews the History of North and South Korea. Second, this Comment scrutinizes North Korea-its economic history, current economy, and predicted future. Third, this Comment will link economy and reunification, will explain why reunification is more than political, and will describe why the past­proposed plan on reunification economy and why it has not succeeded. Reunification has exceedingly difficult issues arising out of business activities, financial regulation, and economic atrocities in the North and the South. Lastly, this Comment confronts a proposal and a plan after carefully analyzing the above.

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