"America’s Favorite Illiquid Investment: An Examination of the Changing" by Jeremiah J. Lee


Jeremiah J. Lee

Document Type



Purchasing a home is traditionally touted as one of the best investments an individual can make, but this advice may be simply too generic to be useful or applied too broadly to be good counsel. Social pressures encouraging homeownership in America have been fostered by decades of government programs. Modern uses of the family home as a financial investment, such as flipping homes or using a home equity line of credit to subsidize a higher standard of living, illustrate a perceptual shift in which many modern homeowners have come to consider the family home principally a tool for financial gain rather than a stable place of residence. This article will explore the benefits traditionally attributed to homeownership, consider whether these benefits add value to modern homeowners, discus how this type of illiquid investment may be inappropriate for many aspiring homeowners, and will present paths forward in reshaping the American perception of homeownership.
