

Jakob Stokes

Document Type



This article examines the historical and contemporary impacts of antitrust measures in the film industry, focusing on the significant Paramount Decrees which initially aimed to dismantle the monopolistic practices of the "Big Five" and "Little Three" studios. It discusses the evolution of these decrees and their relevance in today's landscape dominated by a new set of major players. The article further explores the current debate surrounding the shortening of the cinematic window of exclusivity, delving into the implications of various premium video on demand services, such as Disney Premier Access, and the arguments both for and against shortened windows. It highlights recent legal disputes that reflect ongoing tensions within the industry, emphasizing the need to revisit the Paramount Decrees and reconsider their application in the modern cinematic environment. The conclusion underscores the significant oligopolistic influence on cinema and suggests that regulatory updates may be necessary to address these challenges.

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