

Hip Hop’s persistent rise to popular culture has not gone unnoticed by marketers and brand managers, giving advertisements a prominent role in the lyrics and videos associated with the music. Young adults, specifically those aged 16 to 24, are particularly influenced by the advancement of branded entertainment as media permeates various areas of their life. Branded entertainment uses celebrity endorsements and product placements to combine popular culture with commercial advertisements. This study analyzes focus group discussions with reference to past studies to gain insight into three major themes: general attitude towards the current state of Hip Hop (including Rap as a subgenre) and commercialization, the interplay between personal ideologies and perceptions of Hip Hop, and what affects personal decisions to purchase a brand and its relation to Hip Hop collaborations. This study found that young adults’ buying habits are influenced by Hip Hop culture and its increasingly commercial characteristics — whether they are aware of its effects or not.

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