"Resiliency vs. the Coronavirus" by Shelby Little


Nature is a wild and untamed force for which we will never have all the answers, but isn’t that what makes it so special? At Pepperdine, we pride ourselves on being Waves. Waves of character, leadership, purpose, and service. Scientifically, waves can come in many different forms, whether it be a sound wave, visible light wave, or a microwave. Yet the wave that overpowers the rest is an ocean wave, the strongest force in nature. When I think of the ocean, I think of a hungry and relentless force, something with a strong foundation that can be stopped by almost nothing. When there is no swell, there is not a ripple, let alone a single wave in sight. The ocean is still, calm, and peaceful. Of course, when there is a swell, the number of waves will differ, but more importantly, the size will increase. Picture waves 80+ feet in size, weighing more than 400 tons, so heavy that the meer impact would instantly kill a human. These waves are made up of billions and billions of tiny drops of water, yet each drop makes a difference. Without all of them working together, this force would not have the ability that it has to crack rock or snap surfboards in half. This image is how Pepperdine students view our community, from the Woolsey fire and Borderline shooting a year ago, to the coronavirus today, and to whatever challenges our future may have in store for us. Throughout these different events, there has been a common theme of resiliency that is constantly being displayed. Resiliency can be defined as, “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.” or “the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.” (Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary, 1999) After what we have been through as a school, a community, and a family, we have had many opportunities to display this trait while being there for one another and lifting each other up.

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