

Allan Young


The study of entrepreneurial theory and practice has now reached a significant stage at many schools of management and business. However, it appears as though even at those schools which are supposedly highly ranked, the financial aspects of entrepreneurial pursuits seem to be given rather short shrift in comparison with other aspects of entrepreneurial concerns. Nevertheless, for some time now research into IPOs, the activities of venture capitalists (so-called reputable vis-a-vis non-reputable), liquidity concerns of fledgling enterprises, venture capital arms of banks, financial aspects of business angel activities, and other such aspects of financial entrepreneurship have been well within the mainstream of academic research in finance as can be seen by a brief perusal of the offerings of the better journals in the field. It is time now that entrepreneurship programs begin to take full note of the core relevance of financial entrepreneurial activities and integrate these concerns at both the teaching and research levels. A review of the offerings of the present journal over the past five and half years or so should prove enlightening in this respect.

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